A bery important lesson
I learned this evening that “v” in Spanish makes the “b” sound. Wow.
Spanish is not a language I am good at, but I did “study” it in elementary, middle, and high school. I even took a couple of courses in college. No, my grasp of the language ever approached fluency, but to admit that I did not even know basic sounds? Now that is embarrassing.
But more than embarrassment, was this something I knew when taking these classes and have since forgotten? Or did I never receive this nugget of enunciation, to begin with? I cannot pick which outcome would be preferable: realizing that I forget something so basic about the language or that I didn’t know it in the first place. The former shows how not-serious I am about learning new things. The latter uncovers how glaring a hole my education left me on the most basic things.
Neither are options I would readily want to admit. But at least I learned something new today.